Nokia 3310 SMS Application, done:connecting to serial port(linux/win), done:reading some hex like \x00 . . ., problem:write/send command! noresponse

Polerio Babao Jr.II ptbjrii at
Thu Sep 19 09:33:07 EDT 2002

Greetings: Python Masters

I wanted to create an SMS application using Nokia 3310 with
DAU-9P(data cable), I am now able to get some data from the cell
phone. I'm using Pyserial and Siomodule. I use pyserial in my linux
system. Out of curiosity I've even tested the pyserial on my mouse to
prove that I'm really reading data from the external device connected
on my com2 or /dev/ttyS1 on linux. From this you would perhaps believe
that I've done the first phase of my plan.

The Problem:

I tried almost three weeks writing or sending a command to the
cell-phone but this gives me no response. I'm talking here about the
nokia 3310 connected to my serial port. The command that I send is the
AT command. From my pyserial I made an initialization like this

When I connect to the port for the first time I get the
output like this \x00\x0c I think. But that's two response is what I
get on my first connect. After that when I envoke again, I 
get nothing.

Now I've tried sending commands using the Nokia AT Command which was
taken from
this link here ->

The problem is, this still gives no response, when I type
ser.write('ATCGMI') or any other command, I get no response. Please
correct me if I'm wrong for using the Nokia At command on 3310, I
doubt that this At command applies only to some device of nokia
products like 6110 series, 71.. etc.

Thus, would not give me anything. And that's my problem. 

I tried installing SMS application that runs on windows  because I doubt
that my cell phone is not woking on my sockets. But I found that it
works fine. I've tested that software, sending and receiving messages
and that works very ok.

I hope my explanation gives you enough information. I hope you could
help me with this because I plan to integrate this application on my
online/sms borrowing of books project part of my undergraduate

I also tried writing to Mr. Frank Stajano, but it's already 2 weeks
and still I get no response. Perhaps his busy or doesn't want to talk
about this matter. Frank Stajano had already created an application
like this for his research and I think he even asks for help in this
group. His output an SMS python scripts is also not available.

The Thing that I really want to know is what kind of command will I
use to get some response from the nokia 3310? Is it also a hex
commands in which I will envoke \x00,.. etc commands. Or is it a flat
ASCII file also. I hope you could share some idea which regards to
this. Any idea regarding this would be of great help to me, I hope you
could give me one. Thanks


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