missing functions in os.path
Simon Brunning
SBrunning at trisystems.co.uk
Wed Sep 25 09:41:52 EDT 2002
> From: Jens Bloch Helmers [SMTP:helm at dnv.com]
> I hope that a future version of Python will include the following
> two functions:
> os.path.localpath( file ) # Returns the non-UNC name
> # of file.
> >>>file = r'\\computer\shared\myfile.txt'
> >>>os.path.localpath( file )
> 'd:\somedir\shared\myfile.txt'
A word of advice - don't use 'file' as a label - it clobbers the built-in.
> os.path.relpath( file, dir ) # returns the relative path of
> # file relative to directory dir
> >>>file = r'C:\test\mydir\hum.txt'
> >>>dir = r'C:\otherdir'
> >>>os.path.relpath( file, dir )
> '..\test\mydir\hum.txt'
All patched gratefully received, I'm sure!
Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
sbrunning at trisystems.co.uk
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