Who knows somefunction?
sismex01 at hebmex.com
sismex01 at hebmex.com
Thu Sep 26 17:47:52 EDT 2002
> Erik Max Francis <max at alcyone.com> writes:
> > > Is there a function <somefunction> in Python
> > > for which
> > >
> > > something is <somefunction>(id(something))
> > >
> > > returns invariably true?
> >
> > Not offhand, but there's an easier test. x is y really
> just means id(x)
> > == id(y), so you could change this test to:
> >
> > id(something) == id(somethingElse)
> >
> > and you probably wouldn't have the need for your
> hypothetical function.
> No I think he's asking for a way to dereference an id of an object.
> And the answer is there's no way to do that.
Actually, it would be possible, in CPython at least;
but dangerous, and set a bad precedent.
Just imagine....
>>> x = deref(0x98237128)
>>> print x
--> and who knows what would happen here, because, what object
would exist at that address?
Nope, it's a bad idea.
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