del(instance.attr) -- no attribute
Erik Max Francis
max at
Sun Sep 1 17:43:11 EDT 2002
Lee Harr wrote:
> Is this a bug?
> >>> class C:
> ... a = 1
> ...
> >>> c = C()
> >>> c.a
> 1
> >>> del(c.a)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> AttributeError: C instance has no attribute 'a'
> >>> hasattr(c, 'a')
> 1
> >>>
> I can see that maybe del(c.a) should not be allowed to delete
> the attribute, but I think the error message is misleading.
Well, to its credit, it _does_ say that the _instance_ doesn't have the
attribute, which is precisely what the problem is.
Erik Max Francis / max at /
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