Length of file extension Was: convention for Pickler file extension

François Granger fgranger at alussinan.org
Fri Sep 27 12:49:57 EDT 2002

Thomas Guettler <zopestoller at thomas-guettler.de> wrote:

> Richie Hindle schrieb:
> >>I call files *.pickle
> > 
> > Are there any non-medieval platforms that don't let you have arbitrary
> > length file extensions?
> I think it works for Win98, WinNT, Win2000 and of corse Unix.
> Don't know about Mac

MacOS 9 does not know of file extension and allow dots(.) inside a name.
So, no limit.

> or MacOSX

is Unix.

"Le plus difficile au monde est de dire en y pensant ce que tout le
monde dit sans y penser."
- Alain (Émile Chartier, dit), Histoire de mes pensées
- citée par Natacha

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