Decimal arithmetic, was Re: Python GUI app to impress the boss?

Alessandro Riolo alessandro.riolo at
Thu Sep 26 09:15:36 EDT 2002

Alex Martelli wrote:
> The two ways of computing interest use the acronyms TAEG
> and _TAEV_ in Italy -- I'm not sure what they refer to, exactly:

They are TAEG ("Tasso annuo effettivo globale") and TAN ("Tasso annuo
nominale"); I never heard of TAEV.
The TAN is ever lower than the TAEG, 'cause the TAN is just the
yearly nominal interest rate, it is useful only to compare it with the
national infation rate or similar general purpose index, while the
is a rate calculated following a specific law, and in TAEG are
comprised also the effective costs (all of the most hidden ones as
commissions and insurances), and it is the rate we have to use to
compare different loans.
When there is a large discrepance betweeen TAN and TAEG, I would not
entrust that so much, and even when the TAN is higher than the TAEG I
would be really worried (it would mean the bank is paying money to me
to open a loan ..).

p.s.: Alex, I'm really having funny time with Python ;-)


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