Is Boost Python version 2 ready?

David Abrahams david.abrahams at
Fri Sep 27 18:59:15 EDT 2002

"Robert Oschler" <Oschler at> wrote in message
news:MvZk9.12124$Lg2.3584877 at

> Is Boost Python version 2 ready for primetime yet?

I'd say so, except for docs. We're not making any interface-breaking changes
at this point, so anything you write will continue to work for some time to
come. I'm finishing the last feature before release as we speak, and
everything's been passing all tests on a wide range of platforms for quite a
while. Docs will be finished over the next week or so.

If you want a reasonably stable version, you might try checking out the
RC_1_29_0 branch of Boost.

Also, the C++-sig is the best place to ask further questions

           David Abrahams * Boost Consulting
dave at *

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