
Greg Ewing (using ckea25d02 at
Wed Apr 2 18:12:10 EST 2003

Carsten Gaebler wrote:
> But multi-line strings are evil, too. At least when they occur in an 
> indented block and leading whitespace is not allowed in the string 
> your're building

Last time I pondered this issue, I decided that the
correct way to fix this would be to have a statement

   string my_string:
     |  The string can contain any characters and
     |have multiple lines and leading whitespace,
     |and its indentation level is made clear by
     |the leading | characters.

Teaching the tokenizer to understand this could
be an interesting exercise, however...

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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