super question
Michele Simionato
mis6 at
Wed Apr 9 14:52:47 EDT 2003
Lee Harr <missive at> wrote in message news:<WRBka.134$jS3.16 at>...
> I guess I do not get it.
> >>> class A(object):
> ... def f(self):
> ... print 'Af'
> ...
> >>> class B(object):
> ... def f(self):
> ... print 'Bf'
> ...
> >>> class C(A, B):
> ... def f(self):
> ... super(C, self).f()
> ...
> >>> c=C()
> >>> c.f()
> Af
> Should this be showing
> Af
> Bf
> ?
> How would I even get that output? I know I can do:
> class C(A, B):
> def f(self):
> A.f(self)
> B.f(self)
> but I can't seem to get that out of super()
If metaclasses don't scare you, here there is the solution:
class MakeCooperative(type):
"A custom metaclass making cooperative a given list of methods"
def __init__(cls,name,bases,dic):
"Makes cooperative the methods in the method list"
for meth in cls.methods:
def coop_method(cls,name,method):
"Given a regular method, returns a cooperative method"
def _(self,*args,**kw):
try: supermethod=getattr(super(cls,self),name)
except: pass # do nothing
else: supermethod(*args,**kw) # calls the supermethod
if method: method(self,*args,**kw) # calls the method
return _
def method(meta,methods=''):
"""Generates the list of cooperative methods from an input string
and returns the metaclass"""
return meta
method=classmethod(method) # this is a metaclass-level classmethod
class A(object):
__metaclass__ = MakeCooperative.method('f')
def f(self):
print 'Af'
class B(object):
def f(self):
print 'Bf'
class C(A, B):
def f(self):
print 'Cf'
# Output:
# Bf
# Af
# Cf
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