importing modules with the same name but from different directories
logistix at
Sun Apr 20 22:42:51 EDT 2003
> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-list-admin at
> [mailto:python-list-admin at] On Behalf Of Mirko Koenig
> Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:26 PM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: importing modules with the same name but from
> different directories
> Hi
> The subject is a little bit long but i didn't how how to
> describe it shortly.
> I hope my english is good enough to explain my problem.
> I have a program consisting of many modules. Every modul has
> its own directory in a directory called modul, eg.
> .../modul/modul1
> .../modul/modul2
> In every modul directory is a diretory for the language
> files. These files are used to display the modules label in
> different languages. eg.
> .../modules/module1/language/
> .../modules/module1/language/
> .../modules/module2/language/
> .../modules/module2/language/
> My problem is:
> If is start modul1 from within its modul directory (
> .../modules/modul1 ) And modul1 calls modul2, then modul2
> doesn't load its own language file. Instead it loads the
> langugae file of modul1.
> In modul1 i wrote sys.path.append( "./languages" ) then
> import german. In modul2 i wrote the same. I know in that way
> it coulnd't work.
> What can i do, that every modul knows its 'homedir', no
> matter from where i start it ?
> I don't want to set environment variables, because the
> programm is for beginners, that are not used to pc's and want
> an easy going programm and not to set env vars.
> I'm developing under linux if that help solving my problem
> thanx for comments
> Mirko Koenig
> --
Add an file to each directory in your project. This makes
the directories packages. Then you can use a fully qualified path such
as "import modules.modul1.language.english as module1_english". Note
that you can't use the same name for different modules at runtime, so
use "as xxx" to give them a more distinct name.
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