Stackless 3.0 alpha 1 at blinding speed
Christian Tismer
tismer at
Tue Apr 22 22:28:15 EDT 2003
Steven Taschuk wrote:
> Quoth Christian Tismer:
>>Steven Taschuk wrote:
> [...]
>>>Before studying continuations, function calls are function calls
>>>and loops are loops. While studying continuations, function calls
>>>are not function calls and loops are not loops. After studying
>>>continuations, once again function calls are function calls and
>>>loops are loops.
>>But then, you should have understood how to build function
>>calls and loops from continuations, and that in fact the is no
>>"call" or "return" in the first place, but these are artificial,
>>from a POV where continuations are the basic building block.
> Indeed; after studying continuations you are enlightened.
> (My blurb above is a well-known quote about Zen, after the
> substitutions
> s/Zen/continuations/g
> s/men/function calls/g
> s/mountains/loops/g
Continuations aren't perlish.
I have advertized them to them, but they didn't want 'em,
although the Perl engine is sa(i)d to be stackless.
Maybe, this is for the better. Perl is already slightly
loaded with features... (psssst, did I say anything? No, I didn't)
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at>
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