atexit functionality
viszneki at
viszneki at
Wed Apr 9 15:15:46 EDT 2003
Quoting Duncan Booth <duncan at>:
> In what way is asking for atexit.register to throw an IndexError exception
> every time it is called NOT introducing a negative side effect?
He's right you know, below is quite an index error resulting from deleting
items from atexit._exithandlers. (sarcasm)
root at crackbox:~# python
Python 2.2.1 (#1, Apr 11 2002, 15:27:15)
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import atexit
>>> def test(s):
... print s
>>> for each in ['one','two','three','four','five']:
... atexit.register(test,each)
>>> atexit._exithandlers
[(<function test at 0x8144ecc>, ('one',), {}), (<function test at 0x8144ecc>,
('two',), {}), (<function test at 0x8144ecc>, ('three',), {}), (<function test
at 0x8144ecc>, ('four',), {}), (<function test at 0x8144ecc>, ('five',), {})]
>>> del atexit._exithandlers[1:4]
>>> atexit._exithandlers
[(<function test at 0x8144ecc>, ('one',), {}), (<function test at 0x8144ecc>,
('five',), {})]
>>> # i'm exiting now
root at crackbox:~# WOW! No index errors! What a suprise!
bash: WOW!: command not found
Thanks for playing Duncan. You know I was in good spirits and happy to
contribute something until you and ol Stevey Holden decided to lecture me on
Internet Etiquette, and tell me how much of a jerk I was to not have time to
sign up for every mailing list I'd like to contribute something to. Gee I'm
such a jerk.
If anyone has anything positive to say about my idea, please say so. In my last
email to this mailing list, I posted some hypothetical code to do the job:
return _exithandlers[len(_exithandlers)]
Shortly after having sent it, I realized it wouldn't work because of the way
Python does things (note: that does not mean index error, or ANY OTHER KIND OF
ERROR for that matter.) Assigning the returned value, storing it, and then
deleting it later, does not result in deletion of an item from _exithandlers,
because it is only deleting the symbolic reference. The item in _exithandlers
remains. I tried this myself, by adding that line of code to the end of
atexit.register, just to make sure, because I am admittedly no master at
pointer dynamics in Python (something I wish I knew more about.)
Thank you everybody for your time,
Donny Viszneki.
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