PEP 313 - Roman numeral literals

Greg Ewing (using ckea25d02 at
Thu Apr 3 20:07:30 EST 2003

Ben Hutchings wrote:
> But since the use of subtraction was apparently a late addition
> to the system, we should allow the purists to do without it:

This raises the question of whether subtractive and
non-subtractive forms should be allowed together in
the same literal, or even different literals of the
same module. If not, it would be prudent to have
two different feature domains, e.g.

   from __ancient_history__ import __roman_numerals__

for non-subtractive forms, and

   from __middle_ages__ import __roman_numerals__

for subtractive forms.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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