Vim Newbie – Python Edit/Compile/Run cycle and integrating py help questions
st at
Thu Apr 24 11:19:40 EDT 2003
m_init(): spawning followupTo('Daniel K')...done.
>I can't seem to find how to ask Vim to "compile" the current buffer
>the way I could in emacs (using c-c, c-c.) What I'm hoping for is to
>run the current buffer, show the output in a split window
>(horizontal?) and move the cursor in the buffer to the first error.
>Is there a Vim way of doing things?
Eh, I normally just run the app in a seperate terminal.
If you really want to get clever about it, though, have a look into
the 'makeprg' and 'errorformat' settings (type ":help 'makeprg'" or
":help 'errorformat'").
A little research reveals:
>Is there any way to integrate some python language reference to be
>accessed from within Vim? Something like hot-key keyword lookup to
>the docs.
Again, I normally have the Python library reference open in Mozilla -
tabbed-browsing is great for this. The Python language is simple
enough that you don't have to keep looking things up, and I'd hate to
try to teach Vim about all the documentation locations of all the
modules I ever use.
>Is asking for keyword completion in Vim going against the grain of
>what Vim stands for? (Simplicity)
These days, I can't live without
>Any suggestions or pointers to where I can find these answers would be
>greatly appreciated. I'm really enjoying the power of Vim!!
Search for "python" in both the 'scripts' and 'tips' sections here:
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