SystemError in weakrefobject.c

Etienne Labuschagne elabuschagne at
Tue Apr 8 09:16:45 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I have a block of code within a try except that does message parsing 
work.  This block of code is never supposed to fail, it must log the error, 
reject the message which caused the parsing to fail and continue.  So, I 
catch all exceptions, log the error and continue normally with the rest of 
the messages.

I am however getting SystemErrors which seems to go past the except and 
then crashes the thread.  In fact, it not only crashes the thread, but the 
whole program.

Looking at the exception, it seems something more serious is happening and 
I can't figure out what is wrong.  Here are two of the exceptions which I 
have logged so far:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\!Projects\Python\GlobalTrack\", line 743, in decode
'\n'.join(['%s = %s' %(k,dict[k]) for k in dict.keys()])))
bad argument to internal function


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\!Projects\Python\GlobalTrack\", line 80, in __call__
return self.decode()
File "C:\!Projects\Python\GlobalTrack\", line 344, in decode
cannedId = int(self._destinationAddress)
bad argument to internal function

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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