distributed computing implementations
Jp Calderone
exarkun at intarweb.us
Wed Apr 2 12:51:56 EST 2003
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 10:25:20AM -0700, Andrew Dalke wrote:
> robin:
> > If you want the biggest, boldest approach and don't care about
> > overhead, use CORBA.
> What overhead would this be? From what I see of omniORB,
> there isn't really that much. Also, CORBA is the most complete,
> eg, it allows callbacks and passing around object references
> the others don't have.
I'm not sure about XML-RPC, SOAP, or Dopy, but I know Twisted Spread can
pass references around like this (and you can tell it just -how- you want
them passed), and I think Pyro can too.
> I've wanted to do something in CORBA for years. I've
> never gotten there. One problem is that I'm used to Python,
> where I don't need to describe the interface beforhand.
> CORBA wants that IDL, and a change in the object's interface
> must be reflected in the IDL. That just seems tedious to
> me now.
Right. I think this is at least part of the overhead Robin was talking
about. Several of the other schemes don't require this.
> I also do nearly everything in Python, so don't need the
> ability for different langauges to interoperate. I just pass
> around Python objects.
> I keep hoping that one of the component systems (like
> in GNOME or KDE) takes off, so that "scripting" a la
> COM takes off in unix systems, but I've been hoping
> for that for the last 5 years.
That'd be nice.
> > If you want a simpler approach but with performance and
> > implementation difficulties, use SOAP or XML-RPC.
> I wouldn't put SOAP as simple, and I've had problems with
> interoperability between various packages. If I needed to pass
> simple data around, I would use XML-RPC.
Personally, I think SOAP is worth ignoring. ;) XML-RPC is what I would
choose if I were going for that sort of solution, too.
> > If you want the ultimate in simplicity and are willing to foresake
> > multi-language support, use Dopy, Pyro, or Twisted Spread.
> One reason I'm looking at Twisted is because it handles other
> interfaces as well. I need to talk to SQL databases, SOAP and
> XML-RPC servers, straight HTTP, and spawned off external
> processes.
This is definitely a benefit. (Hooray, integration).
From what you've said here and in your original post, I think Spread will
probably be a pretty good fit for you.
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