distributed computing implementations
Cameron Laird
claird at lairds.com
Sat Apr 5 09:01:53 EST 2003
In article <a626bbd7.0304031149.7abe84c0 at posting.google.com>,
robin <escalation746 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>claird at lairds.com (Cameron Laird) wrote:
>> SOAP and such are just concessions to commercial misunder-
>> standings about what business needs.
>I would like to know more about what you mean by this.
I'll do this in an abbreviated form.
SOAP's s'posed to be the "Simple Object Access Protocol".
It's defining document begins, "SOAP is a lightweight
protocol ..."
It's a bad sign that it's fiction from the start. SOAP
isn't lightweight or simple, and it doesn't particularly
access objects.
SOAP is an RPC implementation. I'm fine with RPC, and I
like SOAP--'hope I get more jobs to do it during the next
year. However, I think commercial experience has demon-
strated adequately that RPC isn't safe in the hands of
the programming fraternity at large. It's something medi-
ocre programmers do wrong.
Businesses *think* they want their development crews to
standardize on an RPC, and XML is a good thing, isn't it?,
but they're wrong. RPC across organizational boundaries
turns out to be somewhere between difficult and a disaster.
Businesses that are happy with SOAP are actually using it
as a messaging service for asynchronous transmission of
XMLified documents with business content.
I repeat: for a mixture of correct and incorrect reasons,
XML, RPC, and so on are believed to be good things for
business. People conclude that SOAP must be a super-
technology, solving whole layers of issues at once. It's
not. It's OK, and, with enough support from Microsoft,
IBM, Oracle, and a few others, it certainly can dominate.
In truth, though, it answers the wrong question.
Python's own Paul Prescod has plenty to say about SOAP's
technical flaws. Check out <URL: http://
mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2002-February/007183.html >
and other references available through <URL: http://prescod.com >.
Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business: http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal: http://phaseit.net/claird/home.html
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