Printing Columns

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Tue Apr 15 14:17:02 EDT 2003

Straightforward approach (will be inefficient if you really do approach 
infinity though ;) )...

 >>> def indices( total, columns = 3 ):
...     rows, remainder = divmod( total, columns )
...     if remainder:
...         rows += 1
...     return [
...         range( row, total, rows )
...         for row in xrange(rows)
...     ]
 >>> def columnMajor( items, columns = 3, format = '%8d', joint="|"):
...     for row in indices(len(items),columns):
...         print joint.join([format%item for item in row])
 >>> columnMajor( range(23),4)
       0|       6|      12|      18
       1|       7|      13|      19
       2|       8|      14|      20
       3|       9|      15|      21
       4|      10|      16|      22
       5|      11|      17


Lindstrom Greg - glinds wrote:

>Given a list of length N with 0<=N<=infinity and a number of columns, C (C>0
>and may be less than N), how do we print out the elements of the list in the
>above (column major?) form?

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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