Standard way to express a date in a real number?
sdhyok at
Thu Apr 17 22:09:51 EDT 2003
sdhyok at (sdhyok) wrote in message news:<420ced91.0304141131.73a6206e at>...
> I am looking for a way to express a date in a real number
> in Python.
> For instance, in MatLab,
> n = datenum(2001,12,19,18,0,0) returns n = 731204.75.
> This kind of expression turned out to be very helpful
> when handling or storing dates.
> Is there any funtion for the purpose in Python (e.g. in datetime module)?
> Daehyok Shin
Another solution I found in mx.DateTime is:
from mx.DateTime import *
d = DateTime(1999,9,9,3,10,5)
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