Exception and finally question
A. Lloyd Flanagan
alloydflanagan at attbi.com
Fri Apr 25 16:40:13 EDT 2003
Erik Max Francis <max at alcyone.com> wrote in message news:<3EA86EDA.EFD023C0 at alcyone.com>...
> By design. Originally, as I understand it, Python supported a unified
> try: ... except: ... finally: ... construct, but evidently it caused a
> lot of confusion with newbies (personally, I don't see where the
> confusion would be, but I guess that's because I'm familiar with the
> construct from Java). So in modern Python the try can either have an
> except (perhaps several) or a finally, but not both.
Really? I could swear I saw somewhere that it was an implementation
issue, and likely to go away in the future. Anyway, I agree with you,
I don't think it would be a problem.
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