windows-cmd shell doesn't reflect _winreg changes
hawkeye.parker at
Wed Apr 9 15:08:23 EDT 2003
Many thanks Ben!!
Ben Hutchings <do-not-spam-ben.hutchings at> wrote in message news:< at>...
> In article <b6e56f7a.0304021609.521700e6 at>, haughki wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > i'm using _winreg to 'hard-change' and environmental variable in
> > windows. the change is 'successful': regedit correctly reflects the
> > changes, and crtl panel > system > properties envronmental vars have
> > been correctly changed. but, when i start a cmd shell (dos), the
> > shell evironment still reflects the old values until i manually open
> > the env vars cntrl panel and click 'ok'. anyone?
> This is really a Win32 programming issue rather than a Python one.
> However, I do vaguely remember this one.
> Environmental variables are normally passed to a new process by the
> process that creates it, and they can never be updated from outside
> a process. The exception to this is that Windows Explorer (and any
> other program that wishes to) will read those initial environment
> variables out of the registry when notified of a change in settings.
> The changes will then be passed on to any program started by Explorer
> afterwards.
> Here's the Python code:
> import win32con, win32gui
> win32gui.SendMessage(
> win32con.HWND_BROADCAST, win32con.WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, 0)
> You might want to use SendMessageTimeout instead of SendMessage.
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