POP3 and selective download/deletion
David Mertz
mertz at gnosis.cx
Sat Apr 5 13:30:14 EST 2003
"Steve Holden" <sholden at holdenweb.com> wrote previously:
|Unfortunately the POP3 protocol doesn't allow you download the headers of a
|message without downloading the whole thing.
Nonsense. This is part of the script I use to filter SPAM based only
on headers (so I don't download the large virus/spam message bodies). There is
a bit of cruft in that I display some progress information and log some
actions, but it shows a realistic program.
def check_pop_box(host, user, passwd, log, blist, wlist, screen_setup=""):
freerows = ROWS-6 # 6 rows used by decorations
mbox = poplib.POP3(host)
except socket.gaierror:
return None
spams = {}
for i in range(1, mbox.stat()[0]+1):
# messages use one-based indexing
headerlines = mbox.top(i, 0)[1] # No body lines
subject, from_ = '<NONE>','<NONE>'
whitelisted = 0
header = []
for ln in headerlines:
if ln.upper().startswith('SUBJECT: '): subject = ln[9:]
elif ln.upper().startswith('FROM: '): from_ = ln[6:]
for fld, pat in blist: # blacklisted
if match_header(ln, fld, pat):
spams[i] = spams.get(i,'')+ln.strip()+'\n'
for fld, pat in wlist: # whitelisted
if match_header(ln, fld, pat):
whitelisted = 1
# check the header as a whole for spamminess (& log headers)
header = "\n".join(header)
spam_prob = is_spam(header)
summary = summary_line(from_, subject, spam_prob, whitelisted)
if not whitelisted and spam_prob > 0.98:
spams[i] = spams.get(i,'')+'+'+summary[:73].strip()+'\n'
if spams.has_key(i):
open('new-spam.headers','a').write("%s\n" % header)
spams[i] += summary
freerows -= 1
say(e('30;1m'),' '*80,'\n',e('36;1m')) # gray line, then cyan
for i,fld in spams.items():
lines = fld.split('\n')
summary, criteria = lines[-1], lines[:-1]
freerows -= len(criteria)
print "SPAM:", '\n'.join(criteria)
print >> log, time.strftime("[%y-%m-%d]"), summary
except poplib.error_proto:
print "Bad response on: 'mbox.del(%d)'" % i
say(e('30;1m'),' '*80,'\n') # gray line, then gray
for ln in open('spam.log').readlines()[-freerows:]:
print ln[:80].strip()
_/_/_/ THIS MESSAGE WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Postmodern Enterprises _/_/_/
_/_/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[mertz at gnosis.cx]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _/_/
_/_/ The opinions expressed here must be those of my employer... _/_/
_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Surely you don't think that *I* believe them! _/_/
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