PEP 313 - Roman numeral literals
Beni Cherniavsky
cben at
Thu Apr 3 12:51:43 EST 2003
Mike Meyer wrote on 2003-04-01:
> PEP: 313
PEP: CCCXIII you mean? I think this would make the PEP index much
more convenient to navigate :-).
> [snip]
> Compatability Issues
> No new keywords are introduced by this proposal. Programs that
> use variable names that are all upper case and contain only the
> characters M, D, C, L, X, V and I will be affected by the new
> literals. These programs will now have syntax errors when those
> variables are assigned, and either syntax errors or subtle bugs
> when those variables are referenced in expressions. Since such
> variable names violate PEP 8 [3], the code is already broken, it
> just wasn't generating exceptions. This proposal corrects that
> oversight in the language.
While I sympatise with the "broken" sentiment, that's clearly not
Python's way to handle such changes. The right thing is obviously::
Python MMM (#I Apr 1 2003 12:00-48)
[GCC III.V (Red Hat Linux VI^H^HEMACS;)]
>>> III = 'example'
>>> III
>>> # ---vvvvvvvv-----------------------
>>> from __past__ import roman_numerals
>>> # ---^^^^^^^^----------------------
>>> III
>>> III = 'bad'
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal
Yes, I know __past__ is reserved for the past in Python's development,
not the surrounding universe's past; importing from it would encourage
keeping obsolete baggage, so it will never be implemented; that means
you can't do::
from __future__ import __past__
to test the above code in current or soon-to-appear Pythons...
Perhaps something like::
from __never__ import __past__
would be nice to have for such situations... I wonder if pymacs
together with emacs' `M-x do`_ would allow time-travel access from
Python, that would at least relieve some burden from the devolopers, I
.. M-x do:
Another approach altogether would be to give actual meaning to the
`__date__` module attribute: python would run the program according to
the current Python documentation at this date. That should fix
compatibility issues once and for all. Of course, this depends on
your system's ``/dev/time`` being seekable in both directions...
was-doing-homeworkds-on-April-fools-day-ly y'rs
Beni Cherniavsky <cben at>
If I don't code for myself, who will?
And if I don't GPL it, what am I?
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