methods and vars in zope objects
Lee Harr
missive at
Tue Apr 22 19:10:07 EDT 2003
In article <c42e062e.0304211805.4ced1175 at>, Erik Lechak wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been beating my head against zope for a few days now. I am
> writing python scripts, and I can't seem to find what methods and
> member variables go along with the various zope objects. I would like
> to be able to use dir(obj), obj.__class__ or type(obj) like I do when
> I am using python everywhere else. But It won't let me. The
> documentation is lengthy; I read throught it, and I must have missed
> it. I am looking at the code now ... but it's just raising my blood
> pressure.
> Is there a simple script, document, manual, or button that will list
> the methods and member vars available to a certain object? Something
> like dir().
> Thanks,
> Erik Lechak
Dieter Maurer has this really cool thing called doc finder.
That may do what you need.
Also, you should find a way to read and ask questions at the
zope at list. I follow it on gmane.
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