Pythonic way of web-programming

Paul Boddie paul at
Tue Apr 22 06:36:25 EDT 2003

Andy Robinson <andy at> wrote in message news:<k8g3av4mkn20e3q59fa7ngmfddg5mavs7b at>...
> On 18 Apr 2003 11:01:48 -0700, bitbucket at (poiboy) wrote:
> >Neglecting the inherent joy of an education, I believe the cost of using XSLT
> >exceeds what benefits it may have (portability, and..) and is likely more
> >expensive than successive rewrites with other template systems.

But XSL is primarily a transformation language and not a templating
system, especially since templating systems often have domain-specific
features that reduce the verbosity. Moreover, it makes most sense to
use XSL(T) when you're working in an environment with the necessary
XML and XSL tools already in place, and where it isn't necessarily
going to be easier to write program code to do the transformations.
For example, I've used XSLT to process XML documents that have been
generated from various Java libraries, and that processing would have
been tedious to do by either modifying those Java libraries, or by
writing some Java classes and generating the output from the code.

> Many have said that to me in private or on the phone.  Few have
> been brave enough to say it on Usenet. Bravo :-)

I'm not sure. Search for "XSLT overkill group:comp.text.xml" on
Google, for example. :-)


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