do python's nifty indentation rules spell the death of one-liners?

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu Apr 17 11:43:55 EDT 2003

In article <KEzna.115586$It5.56408 at>, Steve Holden wrote:

>> > Now try putting an import before the "for" statement ...
>>   echo -e 'import sys\nfor i in range(5):\n sys.stdout.write(str(i)+"\\n")\n\n' | python2
>> Works for me.  Was it supposed to fail?
> We=ll, you might say I was just too lazy to test it for myself :-)

I couldn't figure out how to get a % in there, but I only tried
for about 30 seconds.  There are apparently bits of the shell
quoting syntax/semantics that I still don't understand after 20
years of using Unix...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I need "RONDO".

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