SOLVED: py2exe Registry Access from NT Service ...

Thomas Heller theller at
Fri Apr 18 16:40:23 EDT 2003

"Harald Schneider" <h_schneider at> writes:

> Strange ... I changed the order of the import statements from
> import win32serviceutil,win32service,win32event,pywintypes
> import os,string,rpcserver,xmlrpclib,confighandler
> from agent import *
> from setuptool import RegistryTool
> to
> from agent import *
> from setuptool import RegistryTool
> import win32serviceutil,win32service,win32event,pywintypes
> import os,string,rpcserver,xmlrpclib,confighandler
> and not it works!
> The registry access is done in a class contained in the agent module. Under
> Python 2.1 the order played no role, under 2.2 it does!

I think I've seen this before, but I'm not sure.  IIRC, using 'from
agent import this, that, whatever' instead of the 'from agent import *'
may also fix the problem.

Usually it is bad style anyway ;-).


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