Python IDE - "Lite" version available for non commercial use

Colin J. Williams cjw at
Wed Aug 13 07:53:15 EDT 2003

Rick Thomas wrote:


The requirements are below, is this "Lite"?

Colin W.

  Free Licenses for Non-Commercial Open Source Developers

Free licenses for non-commercial open source development are also 
available. These require that you provide us with (1) your project's 
website or ftp address, (2) at least one public release of your open 
source code, (3) a description of your project, if not on your web or 
ftp site, (4) the name of the open source license you are using for the 
project (or a copy of the license if it's not one of the commonly used 
licenses), and (5) a signed statement that the license(s) will be used 
only for non-commercial development of an open source product from which 
you are not deriving income. You must also (6) agree to send us email 
notification as you release new versions of your product.

If you are just getting started on your project, cannot provide all of 
these materials, or at our discretion based on a review of your project 
materials, we may issue a 6 month limited term license instead of a 
permanent license. Recipients of a limited term license may reapply for 
a permanent license at any time. However, the limited term license is 
only available on platforms for which Wing IDE is available as a binary 

These requirements are duplicated on the order form. We reserve the 
right to refuse to issue any free license.

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