win32, COM, and Solidworks (again) - Still Trying

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Thu Aug 7 07:08:21 EDT 2003

Markus Wankus wrote:

> Hmmm...'Not Implemented'.  Because this fails, I can't obtain the CLSID 
> of itself, thus it can't use the makepy generated code to bind itself 
> properly.  I always get back dumb CDispatch objects.  I have been trying 
> to hack a way of getting the CLSID of the dispatch object, but it just 
> isn't there.
> Anyway - if anyone reading this knows anything about what I am talking 
> about, your help would be greatly appreciated.

You should use code similar to:

mod = gencache.EnsureModule("...", ...)

ob = Dispatch("Whatever.Object")
# ob now "dumb dispatch", but should be object "foo"
# in the gencache module
# Explicitly convert ob to one of these object.
ob = mod.Foo(ob)


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