Determinig position of a element in a list
John Hunter
jdhunter at
Mon Aug 25 18:42:03 EDT 2003
>>>>> "Przemo" == Przemo Drochomirecki <pedrosch at> writes:
Przemo> Hello, i'm wondering if there is any tricky way for doing
Przemo> following thing: A - list of distinct integers (e.x. A =
Przemo> [1,3,7,11,14,15]) very fast function determinig position
Przemo> of number x in list A or -1 if x doesnt belong to A
Przemo> Operator IN returns only false/true values i can implement
Przemo> function index (e.x. index(5,A) = -1, index(7,A) = 2), but
Przemo> maybe there's is simpler(builtin?) solution
Is your list sorted, as it is in your example. If so use a binary
search. If you are interested in efficient processing of sequences of
numbers, you should probably be using the Numeric module. If your
sequence is sorted and you can use Numeric, then the following will do
what you want with blazing speed
from Numeric import *
a = array([1,3,7,11,14,15])
val = 7
ind = searchsorted(a,val)
if a[ind]==val: print '%d is at position %d' % (val, ind)
else: print '%d is not in array' % val
If your data is sorted and you don't want to do use Numeric, here is
an example of a pure python binary search.
Finally, if your data is not sorted and you don't want to use numeric,
then some variant of the following will provide near-best performance,
at least until the next 20 posters weigh in with psycho, pyrex and god
knows what other optimizations
ind = None
for i,thisval in enumerate(a):
if thisval==val:
ind = i
if ind is None:
# val isn't in a
# val is at position ind
enumerate is built-in with python2.3. If you have an earlier version,
you can find a recipe in the Active State cookbook to do the job.
John Hunter
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