Slogan: Getting *Slogan* Overnight
Raymond A. St. Marie
Rastm2 at
Mon Aug 11 04:10:55 EDT 2003
Christian Tismer <tismer at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1060564217.5526.python-list at>...
> Ben Finney wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 23:56:01 +0200, Christian Tismer wrote:
> >
> >>But is there any way for such a slogan to pass spam at all?
> >
> >
> > The much greater battle is: if it passes electronic/programmatic
> > filters, how are you going to get it past the wetware filters -- i.e.,
> > the fact that it just sounds like spam when you hear it?
> It does not sound like spam when you read it.
> Getting you to read it is the trick.
Hey, Christian,
How about...
P rograms
Y ou
T hink-up
H appen
O ver
N ight
>From some thoughts I was having along
the lines of...
P rogram (-ming? | -s? [ending sounds like mind contol])
Y our
T houghts (thinking)
H appen-ing (-s?) (handleing objects [naturally | natively])
O bjectivley
N ow
I nterpret (-ed | -er) (Indented? [this is implied])
S tyle (scripts)
T hat
A ll ({anyone sees}|{accomodates seeing})
S ee
Ray St. Marie
Rastm2 at
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