Uncatchable socket.error in socket.py (?)

Rune nospam at the.net
Tue Aug 26 15:12:36 EDT 2003

Irmen de Jong  wrote:

>Rune wrote:
>> Now, enough words: What I wonder is: Can I catch that socket.error?
>By not doing
>   from socket import *
>but rather
>   import socket
>(and prefixing your code with "socket." where it's needed).
>The socket.error you tried to catch is coming from the socket
>object that you placed in your namespace by doing the "from"
>import. And the socket class doesn't have an "error" attribute ;)

Thanks Irmen, but the problem seems to be that the server is actually
crashed before I can catch the exception. There is no connection to
send output to.  I have no idea how to avoid this.


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