Problem with Unzipping/Installing Python-2.3.exe

John Latter jorolat at
Fri Aug 1 08:57:23 EDT 2003


I downloaded Python-2.3.exe but when I used winzip it kept asking me
if I wanted to replace old files with new ones, and in some instances,
new files with old ones.

I've never downloaded/installed Python before, and as something of a
computer novice, would like to know what I may be doing wrong!

This is the link I downloaded from:

>Windows users should download the Windows installer, Python-2.3.exe
>, run it and follow the friendly instructions on the screen to complete 
>the installation. 

which is on this page;

Hope someone can help!


John Latter

Model of an Internal Evolutionary Mechanism (based on an extension to homeostasis) linking Stationary-Phase Mutations to the Baldwin Effect.

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