Matt Smith
s0199583 at
Thu Aug 14 05:11:23 EDT 2003
Mark Hammond <mhammond at> wrote in message news:<bhefuk$2gvi$1 at>...
> Matt Smith wrote:
> > Mark Hammond <mhammond at> wrote in message news:<bha8cu$2q3l$1 at>...
> > My problem is now this, when i go to makepy tool in pythonwin, it does
> > not see/recognise the type library file I want it to convert. Is there
> > anyway to add the file to the list of .tlb files it does does?
> These type libraries are in the registry. You may be able to pass the
> filename on the commandline to makepy.
> > p.s. How do I include the generated makepy file into my code ?
> In generaly, you just need to generate the file and do nothing else. At
> runtime, Python will see these generated files and automatically use them.
> I don't know how that will go with your type library though.
okay update on present situation ran (in pythonwin interactive
>>> import win32com.client
>>> from win32com.client import gencache
>>> from win32com.client import pythoncom
>>> gencache.EnsureModule('{AF684923-D245-11D3-8DE8-00A024ACAB85}', 0,
1, 0)
<module 'win32com.gen_py.AF684923-D245-11D3-8DE8-00A024ACAB85x0x1x0'
from 'win32com\gen_py\'
>>> v = win32com.client.Dispatch("v2wreg.Application")
>>> print v
<COMObject v2wreg.Application>
as you can see the module is now being found but when I go to use
dispatch it does not use the module as it was intructed to ?
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