Fun with numbers - dammit, but I want a cast!
Torsten Marek
shlomme at
Mon Aug 11 09:09:17 EDT 2003
Graham Nicholls schrieb:
> Hi.
> I'm having some fun with numbers. I've extraced an image sizes from a jpeg
> file
> img_x,img_y=image.getsize()
> then I'm trying to use those sizes to scale the image, but because python
> has decided that they are integers, I keep getting division by zero errors
> eg
> xscale=xframe/img_x
> where xframe will be say 300, and img_x will be 1800
> xscale has the value 0.
> I've tried doing img_x=1.0 to force it to be a float, but I'm getting a bit
> frustrated as it seems to make no difference - once image.getsize returns
> the (integer) value of the x size, it simply converts back to an int. I've
> tried this at the command line, and it seems to confirm that behaviour -
> eg:
> graham at rocklap:~/work/hsb/pdflive> python
> Python 2.3b1 (#3, Jun 17 2003, 23:06:11)
> [GCC 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> 0
> Heres the relevant code in full:
> img_x=1.0
> img_y=1.0
> img_x,img_y=image.getsize()
> except "Not_JPEG":
> if warn:
> print ("WARNING: Image file %s is not a jpeg file" % fname)
> sys.exit(OPEN_ERR)
> # How many pixels per mm do we have
> # On a4 paper, using pdfrw ? Docs seem to suggest between 60-160
> # which seems a lot.
> xscale=1.0
> yscale=1.0
> scale=1.0
> xscale=1/(xframe/img_x)
> yscale=1/(yframe/img_y)
> #import pdb
> #pdb.set_trace()
> print ("xscale=%f,yscale=%f" %(xscale,yscale))
> scale=min(xscale,yscale) * 100
> print ("xframe=%d,yframe=%d, x=%d,y=%d scale=%f\n" %(xframe, yframe,
> img_x, img_y, scale))
> I'd really appreciate some help, thanks!
> Graham
The type of a variable does not depend on the type it was initialized with.
You could do
t = 1
t = 1.1
t = "1"
t = [1,]
and the type changes each time. There is no concept of "int xscale" what
you might have in mind.
You just should convert the integer into a float with
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