python quickie : retrace function steps?

mackstann mack at
Wed Aug 20 12:55:39 EDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 09:20:29AM -0700, Matt Smith wrote:
> If I was to make a function call another function, and from that
> function, call another function (so that now I was in a 3rd function)
> something like this:
> (function 1)
>      |________(function 2) 
>                     |________(function 3)
> Is there away I can print out the path my Program had taken (i want to
> do this as part of my error checking, so a user would always know the
> path my program took)?

I came up with this a while back and kinda forgot about it until this

tb = traceback.extract_stack()
print ((len(tb)-2)*"  " + tb[-2][2])

This indents each function call by two spaces, and when functions call
each other, they nest deeper and deeper.  E.g.:


import traceback
def debug():
  tb = traceback.extract_stack()
  print ((len(tb)-2)*"  " + tb[-2][2])
def f1(): debug(); f2()
def f2(): debug(); print "five plus five is", 5+5
def f3(): debug(); f1()
def f4(): debug(); f3()

if __name__ == "__main__":


% python 
five plus five is 10


> i.e. printted output of error would be:
>             error with function 3
>               function 3 called from function 2
>               function 2 called from function 1
> In perl there is a function called CALLER, which I have used to the
> same effect, i was wondering if python had something similar for this?

If I change the comma in the print statement above to a +, I get:

  File "", line 13, in ?
  File "", line 10, in f4
    def f4(): debug(); f3()
  File "", line 9, in f3
    def f3(): debug(); f1()
  File "", line 7, in f1
    def f1(): debug(); f2()
  File "", line 8, in f2
    def f2(): debug(); print "five plus five is" + 5+5
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

Do you want something different from that?  If so, different in what way?

m a c k s t a n n  mack @
Absent, adj.:
	Exposed to the attacks of friends and acquaintances; defamed;

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