spawnv( ) or spawnl( ) do not launch a normal running process in Python 2.2.2?
nushin2 at
Wed Aug 6 20:14:15 EDT 2003
Thanks Jeff. You do launch a process properly in spawnv if the 3rd
parameter of spawnv is argv list, i.e., the following code would
launch in a normal running *R* state in Linux., therefore:
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,'/usr/bin/python',('python', ''))
would spawn in state *R*. However, os.P_NOWAIT doesn't work
properly, by that i mean, i am expecting ** to get launched
asynchronously, but i see my parent process always gets finished
*after* its child process finishes.
Is it a bug in spawnv?
Please correct me if i am wrong, and thank you for your time.
Jeff Epler <jepler at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1060116250.10654.python-list at>...
> the third argument to os.spawnv is an argument list as in execv, not a
> command string as in popen and system. The statement you listed
> > os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,'/usr/bin/python',('python >/dev/null
> runs the Python binary with its argv[0] set to 'python >/dev/null',
> which is probably going to drop into trying to read a script from
> standard input since there is no script or command on the commandline,
> but I'm not really sure what to expect in this crazy case.
> There's no easy way to do command redirections while using spawnv.
> Here's a piece of code to do so with fork+exec [tested]:
> def F(x):
> if not isinstance(x, int): return x.fileno()
> def coroutine(args, child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr):
> pid = os.fork()
> if pid == 0:
> os.dup2(F(child_stdin), 0)
> os.dup2(F(child_stdout), 1)
> os.dup2(F(child_stderr), 2)
> os.execvp(args[0], args)
> return pid
> you could do something similar with os.spawnv [untested]:
> def dup2_noerror(a, b):
> try:
> os.dup2(a, b)
> except:
> pass
> def coroutine_spawnv(flags, args, child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr):
> old_stdin = os.dup(0)
> old_stdout = os.dup(1)
> old_stderr = os.dup(2)
> try:
> os.dup2(F(child_stdin), 0)
> os.dup2(F(child_stdout), 1)
> os.dup2(F(child_stderr), 2)
> return os.spawnv(flags, args[0], args)
> finally:
> dup2_noerror(old_stdin, 0)
> dup2_noerror(old_stdout, 1)
> dup2_noerror(old_stderr, 2)
> Jeff
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