Python vs. C#

Brandon J. Van Every vanevery at
Tue Aug 12 05:02:08 EDT 2003

Doug Tolton wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 14:16:35 +0200, Max M <maxm at> wrote:
>> Bob Gailer wrote:
>>> What is "trolling"?
> Ugh...he got me.

If "he" means me, I am not a troll.  A troll is someone who doesn't believe
what he writes, and writes it solely to provoke.  I believe what I write,
and I'm not writing to provoke, but to discuss and to warn.

I have coined the words "trollhunt" and "trollhunter."  Compare "witch hunt"
and "witch hunter."  A trollhunter is a person who, faced with opinions
counter to his own, takes the intellectually lazy way out of calling the
opponent a troll.  A trollhunt is many snivelling trollhunters banding
together to shut down dissenting viewpoints.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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