macro FAQ
Doug Tolton
dtolton at
Sun Aug 24 15:36:36 EDT 2003
Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generowicz at> wrote in message news:<tyfhe47e705.fsf at>...
> dtolton at (Doug Tolton) writes:
> > Also note that the examples presented are purposefully trivial and
> > could in many instances be accomplished other ways,
> I hoped that the examples that I presented satisfied the requirements
> that
> a) They be simple enough to understand
> b) not be (at least easily) implementable using existing Python
> features
> c) Not be completely useless
> Did I fail ? :-)
No I don't think you failed, I just wanted to nail down that specific
point. The reason I purposefully used trivial examples was to
illustrate the point the Macros don't somehow magically alter existing
source code, rather they operate on source code that is passed into
them. I actually liked your examples, I was just hoping to come at
them from a slightly different example.
> > Essentially Macros allow you to pass in some variables that are then
> > expanded into valid Python syntax which is then executed.
> Well, not just variables, data in general, some of which might be
> variables, some of which might be variable names (identifiers) and
> some of which might be (peudo-) code.
> > Question: Can't I accomplish this same functionality via string
> > parsing and eval?
> >
> > Answer: Eval will accept any valid Python expression and execute it.
> > This is however regarded by many as a security hole. Macros allow
> > this type of expressiveness while limiting many of the security risks.
> > With a Macro you can more specifically control what types of actions
> > are permissible.
> I don't think that this is relevant (or true, for that matter). Lisp
> macros do not expand arbitrary data that a user passes in, they appear
> as literals in your source code. The security issues are the same as
> those surrounding "os.system('rm -rf /')" appearing literally in your
> source code.
> What is relevant, is the pain involved in doing it via strings. The
> (pseudo) code that you pass to a Lisp macro, not only looks exactly
> like Lisp code, but it is automatically tokenized and parsed for you,
> and very easily manipulatable.
Again, I wanted to focus the discussion for a moment to help alleviate
people's fear of Macro's, as they seem to be based on
mis-understanding what they are about. Please forgive my over
> > # Note, Jacek's method of using indentation is an interesting
> > alternative to calling them as a
> > # function.
> It's probably worth pointing out, again, how important Lisp's
> uniformity of syntax is, for its macro system. Generally speaking, a
> macro accepts as arguments some mixture of data, identifiers and
> expressions (let's forget about the existence of Python statements for
> now, they complicate the situation even more). How do you pass in a
> mixture of data and code?
> Data is usually presented in a tuple:
> foo(datum1, datum2, datum3)
> Expressions are usually presented on separate lines:
> def foo(...):
> expression1
> expression2
> expression3
> Let's try to think of what a Python with-open-file macro call would
> look like.
> In CL, with-open-file takes
> 1) a list containing an identifier (a symbol), a pathname (let's call
> it a string) with some optional keywords.
> 2) arbitrary code
> It then binds the identifer to a stream associated with the file, and
> expands the source code inside an exception handling environment.
> So, the expansion of a (simplistic) Python with_open_file might look
> like this:
> outfile = file("foo/bar", "w")
> try:
> print >> outfile, foo(...)
> for i in range(10):
> print >> outfile, bar(...)
> except:
> perform the necessary closing and cleaning up
> But what should the corresponding call to with_open_file look like?
> We have to pass in the identifier "outfile" (this is where it is very
> handy to have symbols as a first-class data type, as in Lisp), and the
> file name "foo/bar" ... but then we also have to pass in the chunk of
> code
> print >> outfile, foo(...)
> for i in range(10):
> print >> outfile, bar(i)
> In Lisp it would look something like this:
> (with-open-file (outfile "foo/bar" :direction :output)
> (format outfile "~a" (foo ...))
> (dotimes (i 10)
> (format outfile "~&~a" (bar i))))
> Now, I refuse to contemplate passing the source code in a string, in
> the Python version.
> Maybe we have to accept the distinction between data-like data, and
> code-like data, having the macro accept both a tuple of arguments, and
> blocks of code, so the call might look thus:
> with_open_file("outfile", "foo/bar", "w"):
> code:
> print >> outfile, foo(...)
> for i in range(10):
> print >> outfile, bar(...)
> (If you need to pass in more than one code block, each one would go in
> a seperate "code:" block.)
> What could the definition look like?
> defmacro with_open_file(stream, filename, mode)(block1)
> expand(stream) = file(filename, mode)
> try:
> expand(block1)
> except:
> perform the necessary closing and clearing up
> (expand would be a function which gets replaced by its argument, at
> macro expansion time.)
> Hmm, just about bearable, I guess, but I doubt that it generalizes
> very well.
> Note that we didn't transform the source code argument, just pasted it
> in directly. If we wanted to manipulate it first, we'd be in for
> serious suffering.
> > You could clearly accomplish this functionality using other means,
> I think it is best to steer clear of such examples, as experience
> shows that some people will not be able to resist the temptation to
> conclude (and suggest) that there is no point to macros, and the
> discussion gets derailed. We've seen enough of "you could do this
> quite easily without macros, but ...", and not enough of "This would
> be soooo painful without macros ..." (I won't say "impossible", as
> there is always Turing completeness.)
> What was wrong with my original examples? I'd like to know, so that I
> can replace them with better ones.
I agree some people have been derailed by that concept, but I'd hoped
that making it painfully clear that this wasn't the only way to do it,
nor was it necessarily a representative sample of Macros, that maybe
some people would see conceptually what Macros are in an extremely
simple way. The Hello World of Macros.
Again, I thought your examples were fine, I just wanted to simplify
them to help the discussion along. If you hate them that much, we can
forget I ever posted them. :-p
Doug Tolton
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