proper loop syntax?
sismex01 at
sismex01 at
Mon Aug 11 12:20:39 EDT 2003
heh heh :-)
Congratulations on picking python, you'll have lotsa hours
of pure python programming penjoyment (ok, so I dont have
impeccable spelling) ;-)
Anyway. What we have here, is the need of more data-oriented
coding, and not necessarily a lot of chained if-elif-elif...
> mask = "XXNNxxASSs"
> for t in range(licenses): # licenses = 5
> for y in mask:
> if y == "x":
> if t == 0:
> license_char = "5"
> elif t == 1:
> license_char = "P"
> elif y == "a" or "S":
> if t == 0:
> license_char = "T"
> elif t == 1:
> license_char = " "
> elif y == "X" or "s":
> if t == 0:
> license_char = "7"
> elif t == 1:
> license_char = "G"
> license = license + license_char
So, you´re only testing a few variables: "y" and "t",
and they have pre-known values in each case, and also,
it´s a simple translation.
You can create a dictionary-of-lists which will
do all of the decision's regarding the selection of
license_char without the if´s. Something like:
MAIN = {}
MAIN["x"] = [ "5", "P", ... ]
MAIN["a"] = [ "T", " ", ... ]
MAIN["S"] = MAIN["a"]
MAIN["X"] = [ "7", "G", ... ]
MAIN["s"] = MAIN["X"]
So, in this "pseudo-matrix", all decisions are already
taken, there´s no need to be iffing around with fixed
values and translations; this is data-oriented programming.
Now your loop becomes:
for t in range(licenses):
license = ""
for y in mask:
license = license + MAIN[y][t]
print license
As to why if-elif-elif... doesn´t perform as we think it
does, I´ve never had to investigate it. So much decisions
sometimes means that the algorith must be rethought into
a better one.
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