Python for .NET preview 2 release
fgeiger at
Sat Aug 9 09:36:41 EDT 2003
>From his readme:
"This package does not implement Python as a first-class CLR language - it
does not produce managed code (IL) from Python code. Rather, it is an
integration of the C Python engine with the .NET runtime. This approach
allows you to use use CLR services, continue to use existing Python C
extensions, and provides very good execution speeds."
"Bryan" <belred1 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:5t_Ya.102789$YN5.72026 at sccrnsc01...
> is this the same visual python .net that at activestate? i didn't know
they python .net is still moving forward. i also thought i
> read somewhere that there were some limitations about using a typeless
language on the clr. is this not true anymore?
> thanks,
> bryan
> "Brian Lloyd" <brian at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1060400898.32406.python-list at
> > For those interested, I've made a preview-2 release of
> > Python for .NET.
> >
> > Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of the
> > CPython runtime with the .NET Common Language Runtime
> > (CLR). It lets you script and build applications in
> > Python, using CLR services and components written in any
> > language that targets the CLR (C#, Managed C++, VB.NET,
> > etc.).
> >
> > Highlights of this release include array and indexer
> > support, better thread handling, the ability to subclass
> > managed classes in Python and many bug fixes.
> >
> > For more info or to download the release:
> >
> >
> >
> > - Brian
> >
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