Slogan: Getting Rich Overnight
Christian Tismer
tismer at
Mon Aug 11 07:57:08 EDT 2003
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Christian Tismer wrote:
>>Ben Finney wrote:
>>>Anything with "get rich {quick,fast,overnight}" already has far too
>>>many negative connotations to sound un-lame.
>>Right. But is this my fault?
> Yes, it's your fault. The language already exists, and you know it's out
> there, so you are guilty of picking the extant lame words.
I was not picking them.
They were said by another guy, who
said in German
"Python hat mich über nacht reich gemacht".
My problem is not that sentence. In German,
it still has a useful meaning.
My problem is the impossibility
to translate it into English without loosing meaning.
> Dude, "get rich overnight" was lame way before spammers. Face it, your
> slogan only sounds good to the choir. Someone like me, who isn't converted
> on Python yet, rightfully asks "How stupid do you think I am?"
I don't discuss that in public :-)
ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at>
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