[Zope-dev] Zope 2.7 running with Stackless 3.0
Christian Tismer
tismer at tismer.com
Sun Aug 31 17:38:43 EDT 2003
Hi Shane,
> BTW, here's one avenue you might pursue, Christian: Python IDEs. When I
> wrote the debugger for Boa Constructor, I hit a big wall. Since Python
> is a dynamic language, one would expect to be able to pause the
> execution of a function, change the function, and resume execution with
> new code--never skipping a beat. But CPython makes this nearly
> impossible. I imagine Stackless would provide an answer for this. If
> it does, get in contact with ActiveState, Secret Labs, or the Wing IDE
> folks and tell them you can make their debugger twice as good as any
> other. Just an idea.
I think this is a great idea!
Btw., Stackless works pretty well with wxPython and Boa.
I have a commercial application that uses this.
Since you have written the Boa debugger, can you help
me what exactly you would need?
There has been a request to find the function that
created a frame, recently on the main list.
Do you think such a feature would make writing
edit-and-continue simpler, or is it not needed?
There is that call-trace feature which intercepts
every code blcok, but you have to guess the function.
I'd really like to augment Stackless with everything
that makes it into the ideal platform for IDEs.
cheers - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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