time, calendar, datetime, etc
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at lemburg.com
Fri Aug 1 03:27:54 EDT 2003
John Roth wrote:
> The datetime module is a great piece of work, but I wonder why it
> wasn't made more compatible with the time module? It would seem to
> be simple enough to provide a sequence interface so the object
> supports the 9-tuple directly (for either naive or tz-aware, pick one,)
> and also supports the same attributes as the objects in the time package.
> I also wonder why anyone made the choice to set the year origin at
> 1AD? That decision, by itself, makes it almost unusable for my hobby
> (astrological software, which is basically astronomical software
> with a different focus.) Astronomical dates are always measured
> in days since 4700 and something BC. History did not begin, after
> all, six years after JC was born. (And astronomical years, btw,
> do include a year zero, which historical years do not.)
FWIW, mxDateTime has all needed features for these things (and has
had them for years).
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Software directly from the Source (#1, Aug 01 2003)
>>> Python/Zope Products & Consulting ... http://www.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ... http://python.egenix.com/
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