Eight Queens Puzzle by Magnus Lie Hetland
Bengt Richter
bokr at oz.net
Fri Aug 15 16:32:05 EDT 2003
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 13:13:43 +0200, Borcis <borcis at users.ch> wrote:
>Grant Edwards wrote:
>>>BTW, my version got all 92 solutions in < 155ms on a 300mhz P2 without
>>>attempting to optimize ;-) (just the call to doqueens that is, not including
>>>import time).
>> Someday I want to modify it to keep a list of solutions and eliminating all
>> the ones that are mirror images or rotations.
>This will give you 12 solutions, one of which possesses an internal
>2-fold symmetry, so 92 = 11*8 + 1*8/2.
This version discovers the 12 unique ones: (not too tested, and probably has some redundancies ;-)
This one does use generators ;-)
====< queens.py >========================================================
""" bitmap of board
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
threatfrom = {}
queenat = {}
for row in xrange(8):
for col in xrange(8):
queenat[row,col] = 1L<<(8*row+col)
threat = 0L
for r in xrange(8):
for c in xrange(8):
if r==row or c==col or abs(r-row)==abs(c-col):
threat |= 1L<<(8*r+c)
threatfrom[row,col] = threat
def printsol(sol):
for row in range(8):
for col in range(8): print '+Q'[(sol>>(row*8+col))&1],
def solok(sol):
"""check that each queen doesn't threaten the rest"""
for row in range(8):
for col in range(8):
if (sol>>(row*8+col))&1:
q = 1L<<(row*8+col)
if (sol^q) & threatfrom[row,col]: return False
return True
def doqueens():
solutions = []
def tryplace(board, row, cols):
for col in cols:
if (board&threatfrom[row,col]): continue
qboard = board|queenat[row,col]
if row<7:
xcols = cols[:]
tryplace(qboard, row+1, xcols)
tryplace(0L, 0, range(8))
return solutions
rotates = (
((lambda r,c:(c, 7-r )), 'R+90'), # old->ccw->new
((lambda r,c:(7-c, r )), 'R-90'), # old->cw->new
((lambda r,c:(7-r, 7-c )), 'R+-180'),
flips = (
((lambda r,c:(r, 7-c )), 'E-W'),
((lambda r,c:(c, r )), 'NE-SW'),
def combo():
for flip in flips: yield flip
for rot in rotates: yield rot
for flip in flips:
for rot in rotates:
label = '%s, %s'%(flip[1],rot[1])
def f(r,c,flip=flip[0], rot=rot[0]): return rot(*flip(r,c))
yield f, label
def transforms(sol):
for fliprot, label in combo():
board =0L
for r in range(8):
for c in range(8):
if sol&queenat[r,c]:
board |= queenat[fliprot(r,c)]
yield board, label
if __name__ == '__main__':
solutions = doqueens()
unique = {}; transformed = {}
for sol in solutions:
if sol in unique or sol in transformed: continue
for tsol, label in transforms(sol):
if tsol in transformed: continue
transformed[tsol] = sol,label
loop = ''
iunique = 0
for iorig, sol in enumerate(solutions):
assert solok(sol) # just for warm fuzzies
if loop in ['', 'a']:
if sol in unique:
print '\n====[ Unique Solution %s (orig %s/92) ]====[ bitmap %X ]====\n'%(
unique[sol], iorig+1, sol)
usol, label = transformed[sol]
print '\n====[ Orig solution %s/92 is unique solution %s transformed %s ]====\n'%(
iorig+1, unique[usol], label)
if loop=='':
loop ='x'
while loop not in ['','a','q','t']:
loop = raw_input('\nPress Enter for another, a for all, t for transform, q to quit: ')
if loop=='t':
print '\n Original solution # %s/92:\n'%(iorig+1)
print '\n ... is the following unique solution %s transformed by %s:\n'%(
unique[usol], label)
loop = ''
if loop =='q': break
Bengt Richter
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