Slogan: Getting Rich Overnight

Christian Tismer tismer at
Mon Aug 11 07:46:54 EDT 2003

Robert Kern wrote:

[Me, in a bad mood]
>>Did I say anything bad? Nothing at all, this was said by
>>other people. And those are dictating to us, what to say
>>and what not to say.
>>SHould we really continue to support this?

> Come on, there's no need to take this personally. It's a great slogan that
> succinctly describes the almost-revelatory experience of the Python newbie.
> Unfortunately, it is surrounded by circumstances beyond your or my control that
> hamper its potential in certain situations.

You're right. Once again, I abused emails as a valve
for personal anger, which is never good. Sorry.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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