Comments on my "Python Introduction" slides

Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy paddy3118 at netscape.netNOTthisBIT
Mon Aug 25 04:48:18 EDT 2003

Miki Tebeka wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'll be doing a small internal course on Python at my company.
> The 1'st session is an introduction that should also sell Python.
> If you have the time I'd appriciate any comments on my slides at
> Keep in mind that the "students" are people writing real time and use
> scripting mostly for small applications that usually communicate with
> hardware, parse binary files, etc.
> TIA.
> Miki


Slide 9: The tripple quoted string has got the quotes mangled by the 
editor. You might try cut & paste execution of all your examples from 
the slides.

General: Frames: the frames are not movable in Mozilla, (I wanted to 
make the slide frame larger).

General: Slide title 'Quick One': Could be more informative.


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