crazy programming language thoughts

Roberto Amorim wolfoxbr at
Fri Aug 22 09:03:14 EDT 2003

> The Python code:
>    x = sin(10) + 50 * 20 * self.myfunctionXY(cos(30), 40)
> would be in Smalltalk something like:
>    x := 10 sin + (50 * 20 * self myfunctionX: 30 cos y: 40).

In fact, that would be

x := 10 sin + (50 * 20 * (self myfunctionX: 30 cos y: 40)).

unless you want to call myfunctionX:y: over the result of (50*20*self). :-)

I love Python, and by far it's the language I use the most. However, when it
comes to languages, Smalltalk is still my favorite. :-)

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