ANNOUNCE: Rekall V2.0.2

POYEN OP Olivier (DCL) Olivier.POYEN at
Tue Aug 12 05:02:09 EDT 2003

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Max M [mailto:maxm at]
> Envoyé : mardi 12 août 2003 10:37
> À : python-list at
> Objet : Re: ANNOUNCE: Rekall V2.0.2
> Benoit Caron wrote:
> > The goal being to build an application that make somebody 
> able to build 
> > a small database-using application with no fuss, with the option of 
> > building "semi-automatically" a web interface to it's database.
> > 
> > So, anybody think this would have users?

Sure. But I think it's one of the point from the gnuE (gnu Enterprise) which use python as a scripting langage.
You have designer & forms tools. 

Maybe a little big, but worth a look. 

-------------- next part --------------

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