py2exe problems

Alessandro Crugnola *sephiroth* alessandro at
Thu Aug 7 09:25:47 EDT 2003

i'm trying to compile a .py script using py2exe into a win .exe file.
In that script i'm using xml.dom.minidom to parse an xml file (with the iso8859-1 encoding)

i've included in the setup command line the --packages encodings
but once i launch the exe file i receive this error in the console window:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 51, in Notify
  File "<string>", line 105, in __init__
  File "WindowsSnippets.pyc", line 27, in __init__
  File "WindowsSnippets.pyc", line 135, in loadXML
  File "xml\dom\minidom.pyc", line 1915, in parse
  File "xml\dom\expatbuilder.pyc", line 924, in parse
  File "xml\dom\expatbuilder.pyc", line 207, in parseFile
LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding

how can i solve the issue?
Mayn thanks


Alessandro Crugnola

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